Birthing Season


Shalom and Adonai bless you, Saints! It's birthing season and I'm a new mom!!

Briefly, the number nine represents birthing, set time, Fruits of The Spirit, Gifts of The Spirit and harvest. I've been declaring it and it was confirmed with a sign and wonder last night. During Prayer Intensive, we experienced a spiritual birthing and saw a baby delivered. Hallelujah!

The Prayer Intensive is an opportunity to go into the prophet's prayer closet. I've been teaching effective prayer for several years, and that's great. But, it's even better to bring you into the closet so you can soak in The Anointing.

When I began praying last night, I was taken up into a dimension of seeing Jesus, dressed as King, on His horse moving out in battle. I had three angels come in with messages, and I went before The Throne of Grace to receive. Thinking about that now I'm reminded of Isaiah who was in Heaven and an angel took a coal from the altar to cleanse his lips. I was told to go to The Throne of Grace to receive so I bowed down at the foot of the stairs in honor and reverence and to be made acceptable, if you know what I mean. Then, I was rewarded with a spiritual birthing.

Romans explains that Holy Spirit prays through us with groanings we can't comprehend. I experienced that last night. I had this intense, force bubbling up in my belly and I kept rubbing it and thanking Jesus. The Presence of God was strong and my stomach felt like it was contracting. It took me a minute or so to realize what was happening. Then, I saw the start of the birth.

First feet. Legs. Then, it paused. I wasn't having that. I've been praying in the middle of the night for 5-6 weeks, and I want my harvests! I had to demand the baby be fully birthed several times before it started up again. When the birthing was complete I had tears running down my face and a full-sized, clean and smiling, perfectly healthy baby presented to me. Hallelujah!

I haven't had a spiritual birthing like that since the fall feasts of 2016/5777. Many people talk about travail incorrectly. You can't force or choose when travail happens. You just pray and seek, seek and pray until you've become the right womb for what God wants to release into the earth, and when it's the set time to bring forth, you travail.

I don't know what I birthed last night, yet. I want to believe it was a personal harvest because I've been contending for a few things and feel some are overdue. But, I understand that I may have birthed something for God's Agenda. As I meditated after, I petitioned Him that if I was serving His Kingdom Plans that I be rewarded with a harvest, as well. There's biblical precedence for this with Hannah asking for a son and also when Simon Peter gave Jesus his boat to for preaching. They both received great rewards after their service.

I'll continue to meditate on the birthing to receive revelation about it, and to watch for and call in harvests. Man ... Kingdom Life is so much fun.

I bless your spiritual womb and decree in Jesus' Name that what you're carrying right now, you will deliver. I say for those who've been contending, seeking and praying in the late night/early mornings, the place you've created for The Lord has prospered and it is your set time to bring forth. Just as you prepared a place for Adonai to work, prepare a place to house your new thing. Keep walking, pacing and tracking the floor so that child drops down into position. Don't stop.

I just realized that the baby came out feet first instead of head first. Yes and amen! That means it was ready to move/walk - acceleration. What was birthed was strong and there were no complications, just a pause that I had to speak to to restart.

In the natural, that's considered a footling breech and is often delivered by c-section.

Exciting times, Saints. Oh, as I got revelation I stopped the blessing I was releasing over you. Well ... I seal it by faith in Jesus' and by Holy Spirit. Amen!

© 2022 Zari Banks, M.Ed