

Welcome back and thank you for your service, members of The Ekklesia!

This week we're exercising our Christ-ordained Dominion and Authority in agreement with The Will of Heaven to restrain the lawlessness running rampant on our streets these days. 

I remind us to remain on our confession for our previous prayer assignments, as well. We killed the virus and it's dead. We have what we say (Job 22:28, Mark 11:23). If someone mentions the virus to you, say it's dead. Out loud if you're bold enough; to yourself if you're still building Faith. Use the same process regarding the riots, contact tracing and everything else - speak what you want, not what is. I heard Dr. Bill Winston say today, "If you don't know The Truth you'll run after facts." The Truth is at His leading, we agreed (Matthew 18:19) for specific outcomes as Christ's Governing Body on Earth and we have what we say.

For the mystery of lawlessness already works. Only there is one who restrains now, until he is taken out of the way. - 2 Thessalonians 2:7

As Bible scholars we know the 'mystery of lawlessness' is that satan is behind the sin and curse of this world. But, those who haven't had their spiritual eyes opened, yet, may not believe there's an unseen entity promoting evil in our lives. One interesting thing about this season is, The Father seems to be allowing everyone to come face-to-face with darkness. Believers are no longer able to sit on the sidelines pretending we're supposed to keep church and state separate. I believe the events of the past few months will lead many (Christian and not) to repentance; even if only out of fear.

Holy Spirit is the Restrainer of Lawlessness and we're His Sanctuary (1 Corinthians 6:19). Therefore, we have to allow Him to express Himself through us and that means we will carry out the actions of restraint. BONUS: Second Thessalonians 2:7 also clearly states that Christians will be raptured before the tribulation. Holy Spirit won't be taken out of the way (leave Earth) until we're gone. We are His vessels on Earth since Acts 2, and according to this verse, when He's taken out of the way, lawlessness can be revealed by the arrival of the antichrist and his full onslaught of havoc. Holy Spirit cannot leave if we're on The Earth and if we're on the earth The Comforter is here (John 14:16, 18) and lawlessness is restrained because of our presences around the world. People criticize Christians, and we accept it because The American Church as turned yellow, but we keep people alive. No matter how bad this present darkness is, it would be exponentially worse if we weren't here. Remember that the next time someone makes a remark about your God.

Let's pray.
Here are some recommended steps to take before starting warfare prayers. No, you don't have to do these things; and especially not if you know you're spirit and soul are clean and clear when you get to the prayer below. These steps focus us and remove any critters we may have picked up since the last time in The Presence of Holy God.
1. Proclaim The Blood of Jesus over yourself spirit, soul and body. (Download my teaching, Pleading The Blood for more information on this). Declare a bloodline around you that cannot be crossed. 
2. Confess (1 John 1:9), receive forgiveness, let the enemy know you're in right standing with Yahweh. You can also remind them of The Lake of Fire. 🤣
3. Take communion. 
4. Worship and enjoy The Lord's Presence.
5. Kick the enemies' butts.

Heavenly Father, I arise and take my legal jurisdiction over my neighborhood, city, county, state, region and country according to 2 Corinthians 5:20. I declare I am The Temple of Holy Spirit, the restraining force of lawlessness on the earth. In Jesus' Name, I ask that The Warrior Hosts of Heaven be dispatched to every area experiencing lawlessness right now.

I bind satan and his demonic forces that are behind the chaos and cast them out and way from our nation. Go, now! I apply The Blood of Jesus, The Son of God, against you. I loose The Fire of God against you to burn you to ashes. In Jesus' Name, cease and desist your wicked activities. I forbid your actions to continue. As High Priest and Intercessor, I cancel your covenants with our youth, our politicians, our universities, institutions and corporations. I declare all contracts null and void. I cover them in The Blood of Jesus and hit them The Fire of God to be burned to ashes forever. You will not continue to operate unrestrained in The U.S. in Jesus' Name. 

I loose peace that passes all understanding. I loose The Presence of God, The Light of God, The Fear of The Lord and Revelation into The Knowledge of Christ. Everywhere my feet tread I have Dominion and I'm exercising it in Jesus' Name by bringing peace to the land through The Gospel.

I decree America is one nation under God and we are blessed because our God is The LORD! Amen and amen. I seal this all by Faith in Jesus and by Holy Spirit.

Thank you for standing in the gap for our nation, our King and for future generations. I bless you with Favor for open doors, abundant provision and Victory over every enemy of your Destiny in Jesus' Name. 

Thank you for partnering with my ministry by sowing into this Kingdom work.


Thursday, July 2, 2020
1. 12 a.m. Pacific: Z the Warrior Princess
2. 3 a.m. P: Misti
3. 6 a.m. P: S the Demon Slayer/Jacelyn
4. 9 a.m. P: Sarah
5. 12 p.m. P: Judy
6. 3 p.m. P: Deb
7. 6 p.m. P: Z the Warrior Princess
8. 9 p.m. P: Carra