
Blessings in abundance, loved ones!

I appreciate and honor each of you for standing in the gap on behalf of our Nation and in service of King Jesus. The Father has received your seeds of intercession, and I ask in Jesus' Name that He return you an extraordinary harvest in this season of Supernatural Harvests (Summer 2020). Ask according to The Word and it will be done to you according to your Faith. Amen.

We've been joined in prayer by people from all over the world. Praise God! And because there are many praying in agreement with us that are new to my ministry, there are some who don't have as much understanding about the spiritual realm as others. If you don't understand why we pray even though God is sovereign, you'll have less power in prayer. Here's a video that explains why we must pray and invite The Spirit of God to participate in the affairs of man. You may also subscribe to my channel if you're so inclined. Thank you.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020 I dreamed that a group of 12 helicopters flew toward the Seattle, Wash. terrorist camp. They weren't natural helicopters, though, because they didn't have the tail part. It was only the cab with propellers on top. They flew in three rows of four in a honeycomb pattern. There was a reporter watching from a skyscraper who said, "Right now we don't know if these are the government or antifa." The helicopters fired into the camp and the reporter responded, "It's the government."

On first impression it would seem the dream was telling me the natural government would go in and shoot up the camp. But upon meditation other things came to mind. Twelve is the number of government, as in The Twelve Apostles. The Ekklesia, God's Governing Body on Earth, is a government (Matthew 16:18). Second Corinthians 5:20 tells us we're Ambassadors for Christ and Isaiah 9:6 tells us the government is on His Shoulders. The helicopters were supernatural, without tails, means no lies, deliverers of Truth. Our prayers are able to destroy the overthrow that has taken place in Seattle (and anywhere else around the world). When we speak and pray The Word, which is The Sword of The Spirit, powerful and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, our words decreed in Faith hit targets. I loose The Truth of God and His Holy Spirit into the camp in Seattle in Jesus' Name. I loose angels to shoot the target with accuracy and speed and destroy the works of darkness today. So be it. Please agree.

On to Assignment #6: the mainstream media (msm). Before we pray, let me point out that our prayers are changing the country. We prayed for the virus to die and disappear and for a whole week it wasn't even mentioned. The enemy's trying to resurrect it, but we say no, it's dead and our decree stands. We prayed about HCQ and every lying tongue against it has been silenced and the writers of the Lancet study even apologized to President Trump (the msm has not repented for accusing him of harm). We prayed for exposure and it's happening increasingly. We prayed for the riots to stop and they've stopped. We prayed against contact tracing and it is overturned by Faith.

The msm is rotten to the core. They're no longer serving the good of the people and they're being called to account. Let's pray. 

Confess and repent if you need to do so before going into The Court of Heaven. Take communion and worship or pray in the spirit.

Heavenly Father, I ask in Jesus' Name for an audience before The Just Judge (Yahweh Mishpat) in The Court of Heaven. I honor you for giving us tongues and language to speak and create based upon Your Image. You instructed us in Your Word to speak Life so that we and our offspring will live. You set before us Blessing or cursing, life or death. You said by our words we're justified or condemned. 

The msm has chosen to defile the tongue and use their platforms to release words of death and cursing toward Jesus, our president, our Nation, Israel, the citizens of the world and anyone who disagrees with them. You have record of every word they've ever released in Heaven's Books. I'm bringing a case against The United States msm according to James 3 and ask that their books be opened for accounting.

The msm is guilty of these charges:
*they constantly stumble in what they speak
*their tongues are fire and worlds of iniquity
*their tongues have defiled their whole bodies and are set on fire by hell
*their tongues are full of restless evil and full of deadly poison
*they curse men
*they lie against The Truth
*they idolize earthly wisdom
Please judge them according to Your Laws:
*teachers/speakers incur a stricter judgment
*they have refused The Wisdom from Above which is pure, peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy
*they failed to sow seeds of righteousness in peace
*judge them according to Matthew 18:6-7 - woe to them for causing Your little ones to stumble
*every idle word will be accounted for
*they chose cursing and death

Just Judge, I've presented their sin before Your Throne in agreement with The Praying Church and ask for swift judgment on behalf of Your Son, Jesus, The President and the citizens of The United States of America. I submit this by Faith in Jesus' Name and seal it by The Holy Spirit of God. Amen.

NOTES: I've never received a no verdict in The Court of Heaven (download my teaching to learn more). But I've often received instructions after laying out a legal case. Listen and watch. You'll get a vision or a word and you'll need to decree it verbally into the atmosphere. This is a voice-activated world and because of that we're able to judge the msm and create with words. Also, perform any tasks He gives. Thank and praise Him continually.

We're taking the nation with every prayer. Thank you!
To Him who sits on The Throne, and to The Lamb, blessing and honor and glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen!

P.S. Thank you for helping keep this website operational by partnering in this Kingdom Work.


Friday, June 12, 2020:
1. 12 a.m. P (3 a.m. E) - Deb
2. 3 a.m. P (6 a.m. E) - Z the Warrior Princess
3. 6 a.m. P (9 a.m. E) - Misti 
4. 9 a.m. P (12 p.m. E) - Carra 
5. 12 p.m. P (3 p.m. E) - Queen E
6. 3 p.m. P (6 p.m. E) - Patti Cake
7. 6 p.m. P (9 p.m. E) - Lena, Tyra
8. 9 p.m. P (12 a.m. E) - Judy