Soul Healing


Shalom! Yahweh bless you exceedingly.

This morning in prayer Holy Spirit invited me to trust Him. He's so gracious and loving. He knew there was an area of my soul garden that needed work and He invited me to let Him do it.

As I prayed in my prayer language, I saw a stairway to a typical Heaven-in-the-clouds scene you'd see in any movie, with a door at the top. The door was partly open. It had TRUST on it. I had to walk up the stairs, as opposed to already being at the door, so it was an invitation to trust The Lord for what He wanted to show me. My Life Verse is Proverbs 3:5-6 so you know I would take this invite and trust Him.

Trust in Adonai with all your heart,
lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
and He will make your paths straight.
  Proverbs 3:5-6 (TLV)

I went up the stairs and looked out of the open door. It was me. I walked out into my soul garden. Holy Spirit and I have done a lot of work in here over the last 10 years, so it's well tended and beautiful. For the most part. Today there was an elongated-triangle spot that was black and dead. Holy Spirit invited me there so He could clean that up before it spread and before it could stop me from building all I'm doing for The Kingdom in this season. As soon as I gave Him permission He went to work in super speed rooting up the negative seeds and weeds so I'm not overcome. Now my thanksgiving and words of faith will fill that newly cleared area of my soul.

I asked Him what caused the rot and He said, "Fear." That didn't surprise me at all because the enemy has been speaking fear statements to me about our conference the past couple days. I hadn't realized I'd taken their lies to heart.

Look how amazing our relationship with The Godhead is, Saints. They're monitoring us for our own protection and when we live spirit-first and yielded to Them, when something's off, They'll fix it. All I did was say, "Holy Spirit, I submit my tongue and spirit to you to pray perfect prayers through me." And, that submission started me on the path to deliverance and inner healing. Which I didn't even realize I needed. I'm so loved that Holy Spirit addressed an issue before it became a serious problem.

That's how we overcome, loved ones. That's how we always triumph. That's how we live The Victory Jesus secured for us.

Search me, O God, and know my heart.
Examine me, and know my anxious thoughts,
and see if there be any offensive way within me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.  ~ Psalm 139:23-24 TLV

I bless your spirit and soul to trust Dad, Jesus and Holy Spirit completely and perfectly. I bless you with the courage to submit and receive all the deliverance and inner healing you need.

I pray something here blessed you.

Click the pic above to view the video. Then, take seven minutes and give Holy Spirit your heart's worship. 💜

© 2022 Zari Banks, M.Ed