
Shalom and abundant blessings, dear ones! I pray you're enjoying 2022 so far. It's the best year of your life ... God said so.

Active Faith


During prayer September 12, 2021 I went to The Courts of Heaven and viewed my ministry book (Psalm 139:16). I was told by the angel, "The Anointing of Faith is high, active. Move in it and pull people along. You're in a season of momentum. Keep pressing for the greater breakthrough."

I had several adventures with Holy Spirit and my angels last week as I drove home from Chicago. One was a full-blown miracle. I shared it with Zayne, but haven't with anyone else, yet. I'll save that one for a while.



"I came to Chicago with uh ... $200."



Grace and peace in Yeshua, dear ones!



Friday, July 23, 2021 was the Firstfruits day of full-time ministry. I didn't do much other than pray for several hours and get the office set up so I can work easily.

Job Openings


Hallelujah, Saints! Our GOD is worthy of all praise! Magnify His Name and rejoice in His Goodness.